Welcome to our private kindergarden Studio Lentilka

Lentilka is a private kindergarten in Prague 5, which offers since 2012 an all day program for children aged from 2 to 6 years.

Our Approach

Individual approach is a matter of course for us. But what we care most about is that the children come home happy from kindergarten and can't wait to come to us again. For safety reasons, we also do not publish photos of the children's faces on the Lentilky website.

MUDr. Senta Janatová
Director and Owner of MŠ Lentilka

We give children space to develop and be creative.

Our Lentilka has a warm and harmonious atmosphere in the family house where children can play, paint and create, sing, dance, play sports, learn and integrate with others children in the small groups.

We teach children mutual cooperation and cohesion, in order to acquire a decent behavior, to be empathetic, respectful and tolerant. Children's safety is our priority. We have a garden so if the weather's nice we go out.

Our beautiful outdoor garden allows us to spend time outside with the children whenever the weather permits. (on the garden we also have a chicken coup)

Our Space

Aktuality / News

3.-7.3.2025 “Jak to bylo, slepičko?” v rámci RVP PV nás čeká prožitkový týden učení. Budeme svědky líhnutí kuřátek u nás ve školce.

Ve středu 11.12.2024 půjdeme na návštěvu do kina, ve kterém nás čeká vánoční pohádka

V pondělí 9.12.2024 proběhne ve školce v rámci dopoledního programu vánoční besídka pro děti