
  • The kindergarten is open from 7.30am, children should arrive by 9.00am
  • In the case of the half day program children leave after lunch (12.30pm-1.00pm). In the case of the full day program children leave after 3.00pm (earlier leaving would disturb sleeping children).
  • The most important for new children is adaptation. This should take place every day for at least one week before regular attendance. At first for two hours, then for the whole morning -according the specific needs of your child. We always inform parents about how their children behaves and give advice on how to work with the children at home to create least amount of stress.
  • The kindergarten can only take healthy children. Teacher have the right to refuse to accept the child, if they think that it could be a health hazard to the other children. It is believed that a children has been subjected to regular vaccination according to Section 50 of the Act no. 258/2000 Coll.
  • Please bring a copy of your child´s health insurance card and vaccination certificate ond the first day of attendance.
  • It is required that the your child has: slippers, outerwear, spare clothes, a raincoat + boots, toothbrush, pajamas, diapers. The slippers should have a rubber sole and firm heel.
  • We ask parents not to give sweets to children when they go to kindergarten.

Aktuality / News

3.-7.3.2025 “Jak to bylo, slepičko?” v rámci RVP PV nás čeká prožitkový týden učení. Budeme svědky líhnutí kuřátek u nás ve školce.

Ve středu 11.12.2024 půjdeme na návštěvu do kina, ve kterém nás čeká vánoční pohádka

V pondělí 9.12.2024 proběhne ve školce v rámci dopoledního programu vánoční besídka pro děti